
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Attrition in R &D centres

. I read an article in the newspaer about the attrition survey conducted byZinnov managment consulting. They have released their quarterly attrition tracker wherein the attrition rate stood at 4.7% up by one percent over the previous quarterand the attrition rate stood at 18.8% on a yearly basis analysed over 50 MNC R&D companies in India.The finding of survey points out that attrition level in large comapnies were relatively higher than small companies. companies with over 1000 employees witnessed average attrition level of 8% percent whereas the companies with less than 1000 employees faced attrition of 4%. Dissatisfaction with salary increments, re-alignment of centre level goals, forced attrition to create bandwidth for hiring new people were some of the reasons cited.If we see the some of the reasons are non-monetary like leadership postions, forced attrition etc.
This remains me of the situations happenning in Govt R&D institution before the 6th pay commission. Many organisations like DRDO,ISRO,CSIR and other premier R&D organisation faced the total attrition resulting in dwindling scientific personnal strength.
I do not know about the situation after the implementation of 6th pay commission. i feel the situation would have improved due to improved pay package and the turmoil in the markets. The pay alone does not constitue attrition and others are internal ,
the Govt R&D organisation also can conduct an survey internally to find out the attrition level so that they can keep watch on exodus of trained scientific man power.

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